New Patient Welcome Package

Only $99! (includes exam, xrays, & cleaning)


Preventive Dental Care – Dental Cleaning Doral-Miami

Preventive care is the cornerstone of maintaining optimal oral health, and Axel Dental Studio excels in providing comprehensive services to ensure your smile stays bright and healthy. With a commitment to promoting overall wellness, our team offers a range of preventive care options that prioritize your oral health.

 Regular check-ups and cleanings are essential in preventing dental issues before they become serious problems. Our experienced dental professionals perform thorough examinations, ensuring early detection and treatment of any potential concerns. This proactive approach helps you avoid costly and invasive procedures in the future.

 Axel Dental Studio emphasizes patient education. We believe that informed individuals make healthier choices, so we take the time to explain proper oral hygiene techniques and answer any questions you may have. We also offer tailored treatment plans, including fluoride applications and dental sealants, which offer an extra layer of protection against decay and cavities.

 Our preventive care services not only enhance your smile but also contribute to your overall well-being, ensuring a brighter, healthier future for you and your family. 

 Are you due for your dental exam and cleaning.  Ask about our current new patient offer!  786-655-6124

Take advantage of our new patient offer.

Only $99!


  • Dental exam
  • X-rays
  • Cleaning

(restrictions apply – in absence of gum disease)

Request your appointment today!